Painting Series Inspired By Our Underwater World

New Art ii by Deb Chaney (9” x 12”)

Painting Series Inspired By the Underwater World

I was looking back on this small series of paintings I did last year and came to the realization that they were inspired by a couple of things – and both have to do with our incredible oceans and the fascinating world beneath the surface. I experienced 2 ocean-related events in the last few months of 2021, which I’ll get to below.

The Incredible Power of Cold Water Swimming

I feel that my first source of inspiration can be attributed to my friend and fellow artist, Susan Grieg, who I mentioned in a recent blog post last month. She’s the founder of Braid St Studios – which is how we first met – but she’s since become a great friend.

Susan sent me a video of her friend and her cold water swimming during the winter. Real winter – as in November through January – not “almost spring” winter. And they weren’t simply doing a one-time Polar Bear Dip (which is a popular New Year's Day tradition in British Columbia). Susan and her friend go for an icy swim 1 to 3 times a week.

Curious and inspired, I hopped online to search for things like the benefits of cold-water swimming. And to my surprise (or not), I found out how good swimming in cold water is for your health. So, I said to myself – Okay, I’m going to go out and do it.

The next day, still committed to the task, I went for my morning walk and took my bathing suit with me. And I simply started. I was literally dunking myself in the ocean. And during the winter, it was cold(!) and it required a lot of courage to get in the water. But I did. And I would stay in the water, counting out loud, teeth chattering, for 60 long seconds.

But when I got out of the water, I would have this incredible, full-body buzz, and I felt so good afterwards. It was like all of my body heat was rushing to the surface of my skin, leaving me incredibly invigorated. I would feel so motivated and would have such a positive, productive day, that I just continued doing it.

These Little Gems were painted after I started the cold-water swimming, and I feel like this activity is reflected in their aesthetic. If you open your eyes while swimming underwater, these paintings are similar to what you might see.

Inspired By My Octopus Teacher

While octopuses are abundant in the waters off Gabriola and its surrounding islands, I did not encounter one during my cold water swims. The section heading is referring to My Octopus Teacher, a 2020 Netflix film that won the Oscar for Best Documentary last year, in addition to numerous other awards.

The film follows a man named Craig Foster as he begins a routine of cold water swimming every day off the coast of South Africa. Over time, he gets to know the local marine life and comes to develop a friendship – and bond – with a curious octopus. Watching the film, you can’t help but fall in love with the beauty and wonder of the underwater world.

I feel that this film and my own cold water swimming routine are the 2 main inspirations for this small series of paintings.

A Series Within a Series

These 5 paintings are part of my Little Gems Series of paintings, which I’ve mentioned in earlier posts (about other Gems, like Silent Sky and Rocky Mountain). They’re “practice pieces” that I use both as a way to explore new ideas and techniques as well as rehearse old ones. Each painting is unique in its own way and some of them grow beyond being practice pieces to become actual works of art.

Most of my Little Gems measure 9” x 12”, and all of the paintings in this “underwater” series follow that custom. There are 5 paintings in total, and four of them are acrylic on paper while one of them is ink on paper. All of the originals (and their prints) are available for purchase on Saatchi Art, which you can find at the following links:

Similar Original Artwork and Prints for Sale

In addition to the underwater series, you can browse through my collection on Saatchi Art’s online gallery.

Saatchi Art offers multiple options to suit your personal tastes or needs. Prints can be on paper or canvas and are usually available in 4 sizes – to better fit your room. So, even though the original New Art ii Painting is 9” x 12”, your print can be the same size as the original or bigger – at sizes of 15” x 20”, 24” x 32”, or 30” x 40”. You have the further option to have it framed in white, black, or natural wood.

The “View In A Room” image on Saatchi Art should give you an idea of its size and let you see what it looks like on a wall.

My Interview on "Conversations Worth Having" with Adrian Starks and Michelle Falcone

Deb Chaney painting in her studio

Deb Chaney at work in her studio

I was interviewed by Adrian Starks and Michelle Falcone back in May, for their show Conversations Worth Having. It took place on Facebook Live and a recording of the video is available on their Facebook page.

Who are Adrian Starks and Michelle Falcone?

My art is inspired by my own healing and personal journey, and both Adrian and Michelle share this passion for personal growth.

Adrian Starks is a motivational speaker, author, and personal growth trainer based in Seattle. He founded Champion Up with the goal of helping people recognize and realize their own power and courage for personal change. He focuses on managing mental health and encouraging positive growth and success and he certainly has the testimonials to back him up.

I love seeing people simply become better and happier human beings by creating fulfilling realities from their ideas or visions.
— Adrian Starks

Michelle Falcone is a Vancouver-based entrepreneur and certified life coach who is committed to “helping those she works with to obtain a life full of passion and peace.” She offers coaching services, speaking engagements, and programs & retreats – including an enthralling-looking small group retreat called Sailboat Coaching.   

In addition to being incredibly passionate about mental health, Michelle is an extraordinary supporter of the arts and artists. She is currently working with another artist and musician on developing a program that supports youth and their mental health. Michelle’s testimonials speak for themselves as well.

The Honour of Being a Conversation Worth Having

It’s certainly a compliment and honour to be considered the focal point of a “conversation worth having”, and I’d like to extend my thanks and appreciation to Adrian and Michelle for their time and interest.

Early in the interview, I reflect on the first series I painted 20 years ago. It consisted of 16 paintings – and a lot of red. I recalled a good friend of mine looking at the paintings and saying how angry they looked. And I look back now with my gained wisdom and realize how great it was that I could move from depression to anxiety to anger. I wasn’t conscious of it then, but I knew I was frustrated and had all this emotion, and I could turn it into creation. And that was really the beginning of art being a key component to my healing journey as well as my own transformational journey.

The main focus of the interview turns to the Drishti Paintings Series that I’m currently working on – but haven’t revealed too much about. I’ve been hunkered down in my creative cave, focused on creating these large, very layered and meaningful works of art, and that was the crux of what we discussed. We talk about the 3 concepts guiding my creation of these paintings – how they are the inspiration behind the Drishti Paintings as well as the inspiration for my own personal journey to find mental wellness.

I’ve alluded to the Drishti Series online, but the artwork will be fully revealed during Gabriola Island’s (incredible) Thanksgiving Studio Tour, which takes place on October 8-10th.

Check out the Conversations Worth Having Facebook page for past episodes and more about the program and its inspiring hosts.

Original Artwork and Prints for Sale

This section usually has links to where you can buy the original or prints of the painting mentioned in the post. But in this case, as mentioned above, the Drishti Paintings Series is still in process and won’t be revealed until the island’s studio tour in October.

However, you can browse through my collection at Saatchi Art’s online gallery. 

Saatchi Art offers multiple options to suit your personal tastes or needs. Prints can be on paper or canvas and are typically available in 4 sizes to best fit your room. You can also choose to have it framed in white, black, or natural wood.

The “View In A Room” image gives you an idea of its size and lets you see what it looks like on a wall. But take it one step further with the “View in My Room” tool that lets you see what it looks like on your wall.

My “68 Secrets” Illustrated Card Deck is Available in 3 Brick & Mortar Stores

68 Secrets of an Illuminated Artist on display at Page’s L’IL Market in Silva Bay

Last year I wrote and self-published a card deck of affirmations called The 68 Secrets of an Illuminated Artist: How to Stay Inspired Despite Any Obstacle. The cards were initially available through a wonderful print-on-demand website called The Game Crafter, but they are now for sale in 3 brick & mortar stores.

The Inspiration for Creating Affirmation Cards

The creation of this affirmation card deck was a 10-year project in that it is the culmination of a decade of introspective journaling. Over the course of those 10 years, I’d written notes in my journals reflecting on how – despite raising my daughter on my own and enduring my own periods of mental unwellness – I was able to keep painting art, teaching workshops, and exhibiting my artwork. 

I was able to continue working toward my goals as an artist even though there were so many challenges and obstacles along the way.

Wanting to share what I’d learned and realized, I went back through my journals and picked out the 68 most prevalent inspirations, ideas, and lessons that I felt really supported me in staying creative.

With those 68 insights in hand, I collaborated with a retired English teacher in Oregon and she helped me edit and organize them into these wonderful succinct cards with the main caption and a descriptor below it.

For the second phase of the project, this past year I went through the process of selecting 68 original abstract art pieces to go behind the captions. Each piece of artwork was very consciously chosen to correspond to the captions and the message each card imparts. There are some incredible stories and connections, and it’s really fun to see how the art is supporting the words.

It’s been a long-term project and is something I’m so proud of and I’m very excited to see it go out into the world. So, seeing it move from online-only into tangible, real-world stores is quite the thrill.

Where to Buy The 68 Secrets of an Illuminated Artist

The first store is Iron Oxide Art Supplies, which is just a quick ferry ride away in Nanaimo, British Columbia. They’re located in the gorgeous historic Old Firehall Building and carry a fantastic selection of art supplies, from paints to canvas to clays, and everything in between.

The second store is Li’l Market at Page’s Resort and Marina, here on Gabriola Island. It’s located in the serene Silva Bay, at the southeast end of the island. what began as a fish camp and store in the 1940s evolved into a full-service resort. They are steadfast supporters of the island’s creative community, boasting over 400 titles written, illustrated, or published by Gabriolans.

The third store is the shop in Free Spirit Gallery Studio & Shop, also on Gabriola Island, which I mentioned in a blog post earlier this month. They opened just near the end of last year and are a wonderful addition to the community, showcasing both established and emerging artists from the island.

If you don’t live in the area, you can also find the cards online at The Game Crafter. They are a Wisconsin-based company that makes board games and card decks on-demand, with an online store and an active online community of creatives.

What Others Have to Say About My Illustrated Affirmations

Hearing from people about what they like or appreciate about a piece of work is always satisfying and encouraging for an artist – or anyone, for that matter. So reading the positive comments about The 68 Secrets of an Illuminated Artist on The Game Crafter’s online shop was truly touching and I’m thrilled to share some of them here. 

Reading a card is a lovely, thought-provoking way to start the day.
— Brindle
A wonderful way to keep going when feeling stuck.
— Kamila
Well-crafted words of wisdom for your cosmic heart and creative soul.
— Laterina S.
I relate to every card in this deck and love the transformative power they hold.
— Tonya T.

Original Artwork and Prints for Sale

Most of the artwork I chose for the cards in The 68 Secrets of an Illuminated Artist are available for purchase – either the original artwork, or a print, or both – online at Saatchi Art.

Saatchi Art has a range of options to fit your individual preferences and needs. You can choose to have your prints on paper or canvas, and most are available in 4 sizes to fit any room. There is also an option to have it framed in white, black, or natural wood.

The “View In A Room” image gives you an idea of its size and lets you see what it looks like on a wall.