The art inventory from California has finally arrived!

My 500 pound baby arrived! (talk about a long labor!)

Four months later I have just received my entire inventory of finished and in process works - all 500 pounds – from California. Hurrah!

For those of you that have been following this story, the original shippers La Pack Pros, did subsequently go bankrupt and out of business. However, before they closed their doors they had the decency to hire another shipper RT Consolidated, based in California, who promptly took the job and got it done. I made the original arrangement through, who by the way, don’t do a darn thing if your shipment is held, lost, or stolen.

As my new website is being uploaded, edited, and the final touches are completed, I will be going through my inventory to ensure the paintings posted are correctly catalogued for the new website so you will know what is available.

Thank you for all that sent helpful information and positive supportive messages. And lastly, if you plan to ship art or any large items, I highly recommend doing some due diligence research and ask questions before hiring your shipper.