Living the Artist Life on Gabriola Island

I am very fortunate to live on a small island called Gabriola located on the west coast near Vancouver, BC, Canada that is incredibly supportive and focussed on the arts.

There are musicians, theatre people and painters galore as well as an incredible artist council organization offering exhibit space, small supportive grants, and so much more.

Being my first year living here I have experienced so many magical moments of support and creative joy, I just had to share a few!

I remember...

In the fall walking down the street and my neighbours Gary & Donna, playwrights and actors, checking on with me about the Canada Art Council grant I was writing. Thank you for cheering me on!

Being connect with another abstract painter in my neighbour via the arts council whereby she kindly leant me her canvas stretcher. Elsa's show goes up this Friday at Free Spirit - I had a sneak peak and her work is PHENOMENAL.

And now this summer, Free Spirit, our local art gallery very generously offering me a spot in a two person collaborative exhibit (Aug 16- Sept 6) with a phenomenal potter Sarah Graeme whom I got to meet last week when she came to visit my home. Writing our joint artist statement together was a magical experience I will treasure always.

I feel inspired, a deep sense of belonging, and profound gratitude for completely following my heart and moving here with no idea what The Universe had in store for me ! ! !
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !

Artist Residencies on Gabriola Island:
Free Spirit Gallery on Gabriola Island:
Tourist website for where I live:

(video was taken at Drumbeg Park, Gabriola Island, BC, Canada)