Sand in My Bra and Other Misadventures


Funny Women Write from the Road (Travelers' Tales)

by Jennifer L. Leo (Editor), Jessica Maxwel (contributions from Ellen DeGeneres, Anne Lamot, Deb Chaney and more)

Travel isn’t always what we dream it will be, but oh…the stories we can tell later! For the 29 women in this book, packing a sense of humor was essential to the success of their trips. From Australia to Zambia, Thailand to Kuwait, the true stories in Sand in My Bra will not only have you shaking your head in disbelief, they’ll induce smiles, groans, cackles, and guffaws.

Ellen Degeneres’s fear of flying comes out in ripe language shocking the nun in the next seat in "The Plane Truth”.

In her short story, “The All Natural Herbal Girl Tests Her Ideals at Sea” Deb Chaney challenges the strength of ginger when sea sickness overcomes her on a not-so-idyllic sailing voyage down the west coast.

The book also includes short stories by Anne Lamot and Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Leo and more.


“I picked this book up on a recent trip to San Francisco to read on the plane home to Texas. All I can say is, don't read this book on a plane unless you know the person sitting next to you WELL - it had me laughing hysterically (and loudly). Fortunately, I was sitting with my husband...” - Pamela Pailes 

“I read most of this a week ago during the readathon but finished it and skimmed through it again while on the plane to Florida, which I thought was appropriate for this book. I literally laughed out loud at some of the funny happenings in this book..... travel nightmares, undergarment malfunctions, and one of my personal favorites - Ellen Degeneres fear of flying, hilarious description of the 6 peanut in flight snack, and of course, punching a nun. If you travel - I think you would really enjoy this book and be able to relate to some of the funny stories within this book.” - Sheila A Dechantal

“This book's concept was fun and the writing was funny. The title was titillating, so to speak, but never having had sand in my bra, I imagine the experience to be more uncomfortable than humorous. So I'm a little puzzled by the title selection. All that nonsense aside, the ladies featured in this prize-winning travel anthology have humorous things to say about their travel experiences, things that stoke a traveler's memory bank (we've all had similar experiences and it's amazing how many are centered around toilets, insects, annoying people, and underwear). Some of the stories are on the (ahem) naughty side, but that makes them more interesting, and the writers are clever at being able to retell the stories in ways that makes us laugh through our shock. And laugh I did. Jessica Maxwell's introduction was a hilarious sendoff to essays that were witty, lively, and humorous. Unlike many anthologies that we have read, I didn't find a single one that was a cull. The editor was astute in her selections and didn't include the usual "why is that here?" story. Kudos for that. Try it, you'll like it (the stories, not the sandy underwear).” - Schuyler T. Wallace